Friday, July 06, 2007

Visual Journaling in Movie

I'm one of those frugal people who waits for movies to come out on video, and in pre-Netflix days I would even wait for them to go off the new releases list so they would be even less expensive.

So it was that I watched The Manchurian Candidate the other night. I'm talking about the 2004 version, not the 1963(?) original with Lawrence Harvey and Angela Lansbury. Two things struck me:

one - it avoids the "obvious" enemy and still seems plausible
two - the visual journaling shown where one of the characters is trying to come to terms with being brainwashed

There! I've said what I wanted to say without giving away any surprises.

Am I the only one to notice?

Okay, so how do you use the scissors if you don't already have scissors to cut the plastic loop that's holding them all together?

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


This is the program that generates "posters" by taking your text, matching it to images found through Google Images, and randomly generating typography and colors and background.


This should take you to the program and to the piece I just created, "whatever it takes" which is a hopefully inspirational phrase I put into a paper poster this morning which is taped to my wall. But it needs work, as in art or color, to be finished.