Wednesday, April 19, 2006

quilt top from Freddy Moran workshop

This is the finished top from the Freddy Moran workshop I took in January. Freddy believes that red is a neutral, and her signature palette is all bright colors with no tones, tints, or shades. My stash doesn't conform.

(Even in the 64 crayon jumbo set I will always want a color that isn't there.)

Freddy is big on black and white fabs, and so am I. I intentionally left the bottom left fairly predominantly black and white.

Freddy also believes in pieced borders as opposed to cutting lengths of fabric to go round the perimeter of the piece.

Her other thing that you see in here is the fillers, aka the parts department, which can also be defined as any two pieces of fabric sewn together. She will be teaching parts department soon I believe.

The heart block in the middle to the right of the big basket with the pink handle was actually made by Freddy using strata I had pieced together!

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