As you can see, each individual card is one of a kind. Hopefully this conveys fibre and a sense of playfulness combined with good taste (that would be the gray cardstock ~ I've always had gray business cards).
This is simple to do. You start with the sheets of cards that will go through the printer, set up the information in a Word document with two columns, making sure the blocks of text line up with each other in the two columns, test print (which may take a couple of attempts) and then run the card stock through the printer.
After that, I took watercolour ink from my EZ-Tintz on a q-tip and ran wiggly lines across the whole sheet of cards, then separated them.
The other advantage is you can have as many or few as you want, unlike with commercial printers who can only do small quantities for a high price. I understand why, but this is an ideal solution for me.
Hi Ruth
I'm so excited for you. Great that your piece is in the show.
Enjoy the opening!
I like the look of your business cards. Great way to make them.
Thank you, Laura,
The opening was fun (will post about it later), and had compliments from others about the cards, including one person who thought I had them printed that way!
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