Here are the front and back of a piece of fabric Susan Purney Mark distributed at our last FAD meeting. The challenge is to create a piece using this fabric that is ready to be photographed by the next FAD meeting in February. Susan CLAIMED that this was originally a really ugly fabric until she did things to it, which is hard to believe.
I scanned both sides of my piece because they are so different. Of course due to all the processes Susan had tried out on the fabric, everyone's piece was significantly different.
Also printed the side at the top on a piece of ExtravOrganza. This will be in the piece somehow, not quite sure exactly how yet.
Have pulled out a bunch of other mottled/dappled fabs (and have not yet been into the green and purple bins!).
My thoughts are running on curved seams so I've made a practice piece using other fabrics because I don't want any flubs using the "good" fabric. Will post a photo or scan of that later.
Off to my green bin I go!
1 comment:
Good morning Ruth
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about your FAD project. My piece of fabric looks so different from yours. I'm thinking about an underwater theme using some slashing and overlays techniques I learned in a class a while back. So we will see.
Thumbs up about hours spent. Glad you are enjoying your Quilt U course.
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