... apart from cutting loose by setting the ironing board up in the living room and getting out an end table so I could sit in my favourite Poang chair by the window and enjoy snack and reading breaks ...
This is a 24 by 24 set of colour mixing samples, in preparation for the silk screening workshop this weekend. I have 24 pots of paint suitable for silkscreening on fabric, viz. Setacolor opaque and shimmer, and Lumiere. The table is supposed to show what happens if you mix each colour with every other colour. It takes longer to do than I expected, so I still have the 24 paint pots lined up in order on my window sill with a note on masking tape warning everyone not to mess with the order!
Not sure how effective it will be because the Setacolor opaque particularly tends to cover the colour underneath instead of blending with it. However blending all those colors would take even longer and be messier and use up a lot more paint. The Lumiere in particular are in tiny bottles. Once they are used up I plan to buy bigger pots, I can just see running out while silkscreening!
In any case the shimmery colours may not be the best on t-shirts, except I've just remembered a sleep top that would look perfect with something or other screened onto it, and that could be shimmery!
Practicing with the x-acto knife just now I cut a zigzag-arat.
1 comment:
This looks like it took alot of organization - but will surely come in handy for the silkscreen class. I look forward to hearing about it and hope you'll take photos to share!
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