The Journal quilt class lesson this week includes several journal quilters talking about making things in series, which is something I find hard to do, maybe because I don't have enough time/space to devote to quilting. I see a progression in my work but I tend to have pendulum swings or spiral (many pendulum swings really ARE a spiral motion, by the way!) and come back to something I've tried earlier but with some other creation in between.
I did sketch a zigzag-arat yesterday, just because the play on words is so irresistible!
FACTOID: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, was a zigurat.
Hour last week: 33
1 comment:
Can there ever be enough space and time for quilting? :) It sounds like you are doing very well with all the hours you're putting in. About our sequence of learning - I think whatever we do is the exact right thing - I find that I'll strangely be drawn off in a different direction and then, something I learn in doing that ends up being the exact step I needed to carry me to where I might have been expecting to go. So, for instance, as far as series, I have 2 on the go - but I'm not very far into either of them and I'm doing other quilts and sewing. However, I think the learning I'm doing is laying the ground for future efforts. And - I also hold the door open that what I'm working on may end up being part of one of the series - I just don't realize it yet!
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