I have looked online but have not seen anything with specific directions. The sites that sell them say things like "wonderful for embellishment" and leave it at that! Aaaaarrrrggh!
Appealing for your help here, folks!
Fiber Arts, Crafts, Travel, Rants, Miscellaneous Fun
Hi Ruth,
I've painted silk cocoons with fabric paint and used them in two postcards. One I used whole, as I also made a thread painted butterfly, and the coccoon was meant to be a coccoon and was tucked into a flying geese pocket. In the other card, I cut them in half and into points so that they became starfish on a beach. The centre of the starfish was the top of the coccoon. I could see making flowers from them this way, just varying the petal shapes. Have fun!
How did you attach the starfish?
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