Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Star is Born

The Victoria Quilters Guild has launched a new challenge. To encourage the production of more baby quilts which go to babies and children at the local hospital, and to tie in with the theme of next year's quilt show, Quilting with the Stars, two challenge fabrics were chosen to be in a baby quilt top. This is a scan of the fat quarter I chose.

This is a teaser really because the rules are that our work must be kept secret from other Guild members until November!

Various ideas are flying around my head, but nothing will be online until after November. Math is involved in my thinking because we have a fairly tight size range and I don't want to design something using more than I have of this fabric.

Feel like I'm returning to square one in a way, there are many old sketches on graph paper where I would figure out how to use all of a certain fabric. And the graph paper is out again this morning. Even wished for a moment that I had a quilting software program but that is velleity rearing its seductive head!

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